VAT Advisory (UAE VAT Law)
As part of our VAT advisory and return review services, we:- Review your business model
- Study the impact of VAT on your business
- Help build processes to accommodate VAT requirements for different business scenarios
- Review your books of accounts
- Review your periodic VAT returns
- Help you prepare for FTA audit
- Help you prepare for VAT year-end
- Help you prepare for VAT refund request and Conduct a general VAT health check-up.
VAT Health Checkup: As part of VAT health check-up, we review the existing VAT returns filed, the management systems and processes existing in your business to account for and report VAT along with compliance with the VAT law provisions.
VAT advisory for specific problems and commercial issues: Many times, our clients have very specific problems that pertain to their unique line of business. In such cases, we develop solutions based on our expertise to help our clients comply with the VAT provisions and wherever necessary, we help to the client to seek clarification from FTA.
VAT workshop for employees: Our VAT workshops are a one-of-a-kind event which has been designed keeping both the theoretical application as well as the various situations that business owners and employees come across while dealing with VAT in their daily business. Attending our workshop provides you with:
- Complete understanding of VAT regulations
- Application of VAT laws to practical scenarios
- Measure the impact of VAT in real-life scenarios
IFRS Workshops
The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) were developed to bring about convergence among financial reports presented globally thereby improving uniformity and consistency. The IFRS are a work in progress and each year they are updated and new standards are issued. We are experts in IFRS and have experience training our clients to attain IFRS compliance in their organizations. As part of IFRS workshops, we take you through the IFRS in detail and also specifically cover the provisions which are unique to your organization.
IFRS awareness: Whenever new IFRS are released, or if you are a first-time adopter of IFRS, it helps you to know and understand in detail the provisions of the relevant IFRS. Hence, we promote the awareness of the latest IFRS through detailed workshops and seminars to ensure compliance with the latest standards applicable to your business.
IFRS Implementation: Through our workshops, we focus not only on the theoretical knowledge but also on practical scenarios on how to implement and comply with the latest changes in IFRS in your organization. We believe that this adds significant value to our clients as each organization is different and requires a specifically catered solution to deal with the complications arising out of implementation of the IFRS.
IFRS Impact Analysis:As part of IFRS impact analysis, we study the past and current performance of your business and then estimate the future gains/ losses arising in your books due to changes in IFRS which then helps you in making the right strategic decisions from both an accounting as well as a business perspective.
Blue Ocean Strategy Workshops
Blue Ocean Strategy is the leading strategy for businesses to stay relevant in today’s changing times. We are one of the few certified Blue Ocean simulation providers in the MENA region and subject matter experts on the same. By attending our Blue Ocean Strategy Workshops, you will obtain a detailed understanding of the Blue Ocean Strategy as well as learn to think and implement Blue Ocean Strategy based decision making in your day-to-day professional lives. This is a workshop not-to-be-missed for those looking to stay relevant in times of turbulent business environment.
Blue Ocean Strategy: The Blue Ocean Strategy emphasizes on first identifying red and blue oceans and then creating your own blue oceans where the competition is made irrelevant. This strategy helps you to differentiate your products and services and focus entirely on your core competencies rather than struggle to compete with your competitors thereby staying relevant despite changing times.
Tools for strategy formulation: The workshop we conduct provides you with the tools that would be required to formulate a business strategy based on the principles of Blue Ocean Strategy.
Guidance on Strategy Implementation: To take our workshop even further, we train you to implement Blue Ocean Strategy at your place of work. We provide the solutions to your problems that may be specific to your business only. This makes our workshops highly sought after as we provide more than just a generalized framework for implementation of Blue Ocean Strategy.
Blue Ocean Strategy Simulation
We further provide Blue Ocean Strategy Simulations to our clients who want to take this workshop one step ahead to make decisions and see how it would affect their real-world business without the risk that comes with actually implementing it. This simulation is used in top business schools around the world as part of their curriculum. This is a great follow up to our workshop that can be availed to further your experience with the Blue Ocean Strategy.
Workshop on BOS Simulation: We first start with a workshop that explains the simulation, the expectations from the participants such as the relevant homework and knowledge required to take part in this simulation.
Guidance on the use of BOS in actual business: We then go step by step in the simulation where participants form groups to take part in the decision-making process as various factors change in their simulated business environment. We then guide you on what the best decision would have been explaining why as well as the effect of those decisions on the business.
Post-Workshop review on BOS implementation: As with all our workshops, we provide post-workshop guidance to specific problems that the participants may face while implementing the Blue Ocean Strategy in their specific workplace thereby giving clarity on real-life implementation.
Design Thinking Workshops
Design Thinking is a systematic process using certain techniques and tools which will help an organization to develop and improve products, services, and processes. We have taken formal education in the Design Thinking process through the world’s leading institution MIT, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts, USA. We conduct design thinking workshops.
Design Thinking Process: The design thinking process consists of the following steps:
- Empathize
- Define
- Ideate
- Prototype
- Test
- Implement
Design Thinking Framework: As part of our workshop, we train on using the framework to implement design thinking technique at your organization. This framework will help you improve your organization through innovation and also ensure zero friction while implementing innovative changes.
Ideation Exercises using SCAMPER: SCAMPER stands for “Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, Reverse.” It is a collection of techniques used to find solutions to problems and is particularly useful as part of the design thinking process at your organization.
Problem Solving exercise using Design Thinking Process: The core concept of design thinking is to solve problems through innovative thinking. As part of the workshop, we will train you to solve real-life case study based problems to give you a better understanding and capability to solve any practical problems you face using the design thinking approach.